Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A GOOD Case Of The Mondays!

Monday 2/22 -

Fresh Start, Fresh Goals, Fresh Food!!!!!!

Mentally Ready to Go and Start.  Excited to see what CrossFit and CrossFit Endurance has for me.  New Training through May is to follow the 2 sites and get Stronger and Faster and do some fun Trail Runs on the side.  Paleo Eating Mon-Fri of Each Week, Sat-Sun are Free Food Eating Days.

CrossFit WOD = 5 Rounds/45lbs Thrusters to Max - Total 46.  Pullups w/ Band - Total 60.  Tabata Row.
CF Endurance = Run - 2x By Time 2x12min Rest 2min btw, as much distance covered in those 12mins = Total 2.5miles.  1st 12min Felt Strong, Fast, Easy.  2nd 12min I could feel the fatigue in my legs still and right shin a bit sore.

Great Workouts for the Day and Great Eating.

PM - Went to a Barefoot/Pose Running Seminar.  Very Interesting but a lot to learn and take in.  Would like to take another class where I can actually practice it with the instructors help.  Their take on the "Barefoot" basically was as minimal as you can get, take time for the transition.  Pose Running seems easy and practical once you get the technique down, less injuries, faster, less fatigue on the body, which all that souds like something I want :)

GOOD STUFF!  It is so hard to come off of the high of Training for 6months and then your Goal Race being over with.  But I knew what my next focus and steps were going to be and Monday I was pumped up and Ready to KICK ASS! Its always nice when the case of the Mondays is a good one.

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