Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Post Race Report - 26.2 Austin Marathon 2.14.2010

Post Race Report – 26.2 Austin Marathon 2.14.2010 =

This is long and wordy, so sorry for those trying to read it, but I don’t want to leave anything out for my notes.

I am just going to get it over with and Post my horrible time = Garmin said 26.45miles @ 5:53:16.

Some Things I read about course –
1. Course not an easy one.
2. Difficult Course w/ plenty of rugged up hills.
3. First 16miles inc. the hardest, longest hills.

Course Review –
Starts out uphill South Congress – South 1st Cesar Chaves – Veterans Mile 8 (Bathroom) – Lake Austin uphill – Enfield short climb – Exposition hills are long and difficult – 35th Street short climb over MoPac (this is where I started crashing). 2nd Half starts mostly flats – Jackson/Bull Crk gradual up hills – Northcross equals Mile 17 OUCH/HURTING – Dwtwn Finish!

Report –
Good Sleep, Got my normal breakfast down, smooth morning, perfect weather, good outfit =s Ready to Race.

Met up with Friend Trish before race and I was ready and feeling strong. I was so sure nothing could be worse than last year Marathon (which was my 1st full and I was prego), after all my health issues up till Sept. when training started, I made it, I pushed through, built my body up, and made it to Race Day. Felt so strong and confident, I was so ready for a Big PR (personal best). Starting out everything felt great, the only thing I would have changed is to have gloves on because my hands were freezing. Trish and I did not even notice the up hills on Congress, we did not worry about water for the 1st 4miles (I carried my own water bottle). However we did need to go to the bathroom but the potty lines were so long we just put it off for awhile. Feeling good and strong we were staying right on target pace (some a little faster/slower) but right on pace. We just kept commenting on how good we felt. Around Veterans Mile 8 before we got to the crazy hills I told Trish we needed to just stop, get liquids, and go to the bathroom, this was the time. I think we were in line all of 1min before I made the comment the clock was still running (bummer), next thing I knew I saw a building and I told Trish I would wait for her but I was going to squat, well right behind me was Trish and before you know it we took position, it was so funny because as we finished up we had about 15 other woman lined up by us Thanking us for the idea. Highlight of my Day!

Miles 8-12 = Crazy Hills. Last year I did not run up Exposition and I told myself this was the year and the crazy part of it, it felt so easy and great. The hardest part of the Marathon 1-12 felt so good, I was on track, I ran and conquered all the hills, I was going to get my big PR. We ran all the hills, no stops but the 1 bathroom break, and on pace. Rhonda (Trish’s Girlfriend) met us at the bottom of Exposition and even commented on how we were right on target (took us 17 +/- min to get to the start line). We made it to 35th Street which was a big relief getting over the hardest part of the marathon. Got to MoPac Bridge and that is when I knew I had not taken a 2nd Gu and needed to walk through the water stop and take in nutrition and liquids. So sending Trish and Rhonda in front I did what I needed to and then started up again. I wanted to get back with the girls and knew my friend Leslin was right around the corner on Jefferson ready to run the 2nd half with me. At that point all my pep was out and no talk left in me but I was still on a mission to PR. Rhonda and Trish in front of us, Leslin did the talking as I listened and kept moving forward to the half way mark.

MADE IT HALF WAY! 2:44:53 w/ bathroom & drink stop.

2nd Half is a different story for me, 13-17 miles were very hard mentally for me, as I started to lose the energy and stamina I had, it got me down. As Leslin talked me through we would pick marker run to truck – take short walk break (fast walking) – run down hill – walk uphill (fast walking), but still made it to mile 17 pretty strong but off time. My family was there to cheer me on and hand me Gatorade, took short walk break here. By this time it was like somebody beat and unplugged me, I could feel squishy blisters on both feet under toes every stride I took, my hands (especially left) got so swollen I could not move it (like the Pillsbury dough boy), could not stomach another Gu but choked a 3rd one down btw the next 5miles. And we played the run/walk (fast walking) game to Mile 20.

All this time playing back and forth with Rhonda and Trish, we also kept about 4 people in our sites the whole time. Which FYI those people I ran past to the Finish Line which at least helped me feel a little better. At mile 20 we spoke to a guy by us which basically was a complete downer and made me realize I was not only not going to PR but not going to make my last year horrible time whish just pissed me off. I wanted to just stop and cry BUT that was not an option. Even though it got to the run/walk/shuffle game to mile 24 I never stopped, I never stopped to stretch or take a breather, I was always moving forward at ever second the clock was going.

When my body completely gave out I made it keep going, mile 24 we could see the Capitol and Leslin said its right in front and you have a big downhill to finish line. I could see my family and I shifted into gear and busted it all out from that point to the Finish Line. Leaving people behind me and crossing that line.

I can say one thing (or maybe more) positives about this particular race –
1. I never quit moving forward.
2. I left everything out on that course.
3. I had nothing left when I finished.
4. No Shin and/or Calf Pain.
5. I Finished a Marathon!

Horrible time set aside I finished a Freakin Marathon and Never Stopped.

Thank You to my Friends Trish and Leslin for getting me through this Race.
Thank You Husband, Daughter, and Mom for being support and smiling faces out on the course. Thanks to Rogue Training and CrossFit Cedar Park for such great Training, next time I will PR.

New Goals –
CrossFit Endurance
Keeping a good base mileage
PR in 5k’s
Rogue Trail Races
Nov. San Antonio Full Marathon and PR

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